College football and our cute kids

I’m feeling quite a bit better this weekend. We had a blast watching the BYU football game. We had a few friends over, and set out some football-watching food: barbecue meatballs, veggies and dip, chips and salsa. The kids were good! BYU crushed UCLA! We couldn’t have asked for a better afternoon.

Tonight our kids had some dancing time while I played the piano. They prefer Mozart and Beethoven to Chopin. Afterward, they were hot and sweaty and I wiped Megan’s face with a cool washcloth. “Mom, you really care about how I feel!” she exclaimed. “Happy, sad, hot, cold, angry…” 30 seconds… “lonely, frustrated…” It made me feel like I’m doing something right. As a mother of young children, I keep thinking, “If we just teach them right from wrong and love them like crazy, we won’t screw them up.” I’ll let you know how it went in about 20 years.

5 thoughts on “College football and our cute kids

  1. Your telling me! Even better live. Evan may be going to school at the U, but we’ve got season tickets to BYU. The first time UCLA tries to kick a 3 pointer the whole crowd is yelling “BLOCK THAT KICK, BLOCK THAT KICK!” It was amazing! GO BYU!!

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